Dare to Degen: Embrace the GORB Lifestyle


Meet GORB: The Cocaine Crazed Seal

Get ready to ride the wave with $GORB, a ​coke-fueled seal on a mission to dominate ​the space. Dive in if you're daring enough ​and ready to fuel GORB's wild habit. ​LAUNCHING ON SOLANA. Prepare for the ​Solana Summer Takeover.


GORBmania: Embrace the Seal, Join the Craze


june 2024

july 2024

august 2024

gotta fuckin market

onboard gorb gorbs

create cocaine addicted gorbphines

$gorb $gorb $gorb

convince gorbphines to support gorbs cocaine habit

Announce a partnership with SeaWorld to create the "Gorb Seal Experience."

Free tickets for the first 1,000 Gorb holders.

Introduce staking: Stake your Gorb, get free cocaine

Launch Gorb NFTs: Collectable cocaine-crazed seal artworks.

First 50 buyers get a personal thank-you video from a real seal (dubbed in English).

Donate Gorb to save real seals.

© 2024 Gorb Meme Coin. All Rights Reserved.


Gorb Meme Coin is a fictional cryptocurrency created solely for ​entertainment purposes. It is a satirical project and should not be ​considered a legitimate financial investment or used for any real-​world transactions. The content presented, including the roadmap ​and any associated events, is intended for comedic and ​entertainment value only. Gorb Meme Coin does not offer any ​financial, legal, or investment advice. Any resemblance to real ​persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ​Please do not take any actions based on this project without ​consulting a professional financial advisor.

hand drawn corner borders
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